Price to Rent in Major Colorado Cities

June 1, 2012As we’ve seen, we are seeing an increase in the price to rent in Colorado.  Today we’ll take a look at the Median Price to Rent in Major Colorado Cities based on the report released from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. City Median Price to Rent in 2007 Median Price to Rent in 2012 Fort Collins 743.65 986.56 Colorado Springs 667.84 728.02 Steamboat...

Rent Rising in Colorado

May 27, 2012Whether you are looking to rent or currently renting, you may be suprised at hte price to rent in Colorado.   The cost of renting is going up all over Colorado- causing some renters to downgrade, others to fork over more money for their housing, and still others to look closer at the question of “Renting Versus Buying.” Rent in the Denver Metro Area is at its peak in over a decade.  In...

Rent or Buy in Colorado Current Market Conditions? It’s a Complicated Question

May 25, 2012Deciding whether to rent or buy is a critical step in the home buying process.  While renters often feel that they are “throwing money away” by renting, the economics of this real estate question is not quite that simple. With home ownership, you see additional costs (both financial and time/effort costs) than you would with renting.  For example, maintenance, taxes, insurance, etc. But,...

How Much To Spend on Colorado Housing

May 15, 2012One critical step in the home search process is determining how much to spend on housing.  The amount that you ultimately spend on housing is personal, and will of course be limited depending on fund available (either through income or loans).  But, it is important to consider how much you want to spend carefully, and to take into account both up front costs and ongoing costs. Up Front...

The Importance of Determining the Current Market Value of a Home

May 7, 2012As a home buyer, you want to know that you are making a good investment.   Part of making a good investment means knowing the value of a home, in the current conditions.  This way, you  will know when to walk away from a bad deal. Or, recognize the deal of a lifetime if it shows up. But how do you determine the value of a home?  Is it the listed price or asking price of the home?  Can...

Top 4 Tips for Best Home Insurance Coverage

May 2, 2012While it is not required by law that you buy homeowners insurance in Colorado, it is required by your lender if you have financed your home. Therefore, most homeowners insure their homes.  Here are some important tips to get the best coverage for you. 1.  Shop around. There are many insurance agencies offering the same coverage for different prices.  Get quotes from at least 3 different...

Why Buy A House in Colorado: Investment & Ownership Benefits

April 27, 2012Why Are You Buying A Home: I beleive that there is a distinct difference in what the home buying experience and ownership will be like for a person looking to make an investment compared to the person just looking to own.  In the past, real estate was a conventional and reasonably safe investment.  Now, reading investment blogs and articles, many argue that it is often a better investment to...