Avoiding home foreclosure in your Colorado home

February 8, 2011Many of us realize that one of the best ways to avoid foreclosure is to make sure you made a smart investment in the beginning. Exclusive buyers agents are dedicated to helping buyers evaluate their financial status, finding homes in good neighborhoods, and making sure the offer is competitively priced. If you've done all the right things at the beginning, but are still finding it's tough to...

Making a List, Checking It Twice

December 8, 2010So you have decided to buy a house, now it’s time to make your Naughty and Nice list.  In other words- what are the things you want in your home, and what are the things you don’t want?  Here is a list to help you get started. Also, a few tips about your list: 1)      Create a master list. If you are house hunting with someone, try this exercise.  Each of you make your own list (no...

4 Reasons To Go Home Shopping During the Holidays

December 2, 2010Toys and electronics aren't the only things that go on sale during the holiday season- home prices tend to drop as well. Depending on your situation, the holidays can be an excellent time to go home shopping!  Here are a few of the pros to Home Shopping during the holidays. 1) Less competition leads to lower prices, and less bidding wars. During the holidays, many families are busy with...

Home Sellers See Equity Gain of 24-40%

November 17, 2010In the real estate race, the tortoise wins, not the hare, according to the National Association of Realtors consumer study released on November 5, 2010.  Homeowners that lived in their homes for a longer period of time made a greater return on their investment.   In other words, home buyers should consider it a long term investment, not a quick turn-around.  Long term home owners are still...

Home Buying Basics: Pre-Qualification and Pre-Approval

November 15, 2010What is pre-qualification? Pre-qualification is the first step towards securing a loan.  Typically, the pre-qualification process is a phone interview with a lender, but some lenders allow you to submit information online.  The lender is gathering information about your financial status to make a tentative decision about whether or not they will loan you money.  They will ask about your...

Equity, Appreciation and Tax Savings Anyone?

November 10, 2010One of the primary benefits of home ownership is financial.   Buying a house is an investment.  According to Wikipedia, “Investment is putting money into something with the hope of profit.”    I appreciate the honesty of this definition.  There is some hope involved.  Most investments are not a sure thing.  Let’s take a look at the basics of a real estate investment. Equity For a...

Better to Rent or Buy?

November 3, 2010When deciding to buy a home, it is important to take a look at the finances between renting and buying.  There are many calculators available that can help you decide if it is a better financial decision to rent or to buy.  While writing rent checks often feels like throwing money away, and owning seems like an investment because of building equity, it is not always that simple. Factors like...