The Sun is Shining, Interest Rates are Dropping, Go Buy a House!

November 1, 2010It’s hard to believe that it is fall in Denver when it is sunny and 80 degrees, in October.  It couldn’t be any more beautiful, and I think everyone appreciates it more because it feels like we are on borrowed time.  Go out to the park today, because we might not get another day like this until May. But, anyone that has lived here through at least one fall and winter knows: winter will...

Home Buyer Tip: Don’t buy the most expensive home in the neighborhood

October 18, 2010Buying your home is a large financial investment, maybe even the largest one your family will make. As a home buyer, you want to get the most value for your money.   If your primary motive for purchasing the home is to sell it and make a return, this tip is for you. Room to be Promoted Location, location, location:  The most important rule in Real Estate.  Everyone knows that the location...

Investment Opportunity, Look at Fannie Mae

October 8, 2010Who's Afraid Of Fannie Mae? This weekend the Denver Post featured an article about possible “good deals” of buying a Fannie Mae home.  It explained that they can be offered at a considerable discount because Fannie Mae is trying to unload a large supply of foreclosed homes.  For anyone searching to get that “good deal”, this is certainly interesting. Good deals come at a cost,...

A Home for Every Stage of Life Versus One Home For Life

October 6, 2010Over time your interests and values will change… should your house change to match? At one point in your life you might value charm, at another point you might value practicality.  One point you might love doing yard work, or at least believe that you could love it or could learn to love it.  Later, you might admit to yourself that you hate it, or lose interest in it as other interests gain...

Home Buyers Tip: Are Home Inspections worth the Money?

October 1, 2010When you are purchasing a home, it can be surprising how quickly the costs of the transaction add up.  There are closing costs, inspection costs, moving costs, down payments.  Maybe there are repairs or carpet cleaning that needs to be done before moving in to the new house.  There is no doubt- it is expensive. It can be tempting to look for short cuts, and ways to save money.  Actually,...

Establishing Your Home Budget is a Delicate Balance.

September 25, 2010Recently, we talked about an important home buyers tip: carefully planning for your future so that you find the perfect home to fit your needs. Let’s revisit the subject by taking a look at why people chose to move, and what the potential downside is to moving to early. The three most common reasons to move are: “moving up”, family, and work. According to the Current Population Survey,...

Manage your home buying fears: Three things every home buyer should know.

September 22, 2010People fear responsibilities of all types.  Getting married and having a baby are classic examples.  What about buying a house?  It is a large, life changing responsibility too.  And, people can be afraid of taking this step. Home Buyers biggest fear is being unable to afford their mortgage payment. Unlike changes like having a child or getting married, people are afraid of the financial...