Home Owners: Careful, Savvy and Happy

September 15, 201090 percent of new home owners are happy with their home purchase, according to a poll by Bankrate.com.  It is refreshing, to hear that the overwhelming majority of people are still happy to be home owners. According to the "Social Benefits of Stable Housing” paper released by the National Association of Realtors, there are many reasons that home owners are happy about their recent home...

Home Buyers Tip: Use Your Imagination When Home Shopping

September 13, 2010If you don’t have an imagination, shop with someone who does. There is a home on the end of our street that I believe is the envy of every home owner in the neighborhood.  I admit, I have a bit of a “crush” on this house.  It is beautiful.  From the landscaping, to the wood garage doors, to  their backyard filled with bonsai trees and a lily pond, the house tickles your imagination and...

5 Surprising Benefits of Home Ownership

September 10, 2010Let’s kick off the weekend with some cheerful thoughts.  The National Organization of Real Estate released research about the positive impacts of owning a home.  Instead of focusing on financial boons, the paper, “Social Benefits of Stable Housing” takes a look at the positive social outcomes. The benefits might surprise you. According to the paper, home ownership: Has a significant...

Buying the Right Home: First Time Home Buyers Tip

September 3, 2010How long do you want to live in your house? You are just thinking about buying a house.  Do you really need to start thinking about selling the home you haven’t even bought yet?  Well, probably.   In order to buy the right home for you, you need to answer the question “how long do I want to live here?”  This is just one  important home buying motives you will need to consider. As a...

How is “The Market?”

August 31, 2010I have been reading a lot of conflicting news about the housing market.  Some experts are hopeful, others are not.  Can we still draw some useful conclusions?  What conclusions, about the home market can we draw from the experts? 1) The status of the home market is… local. It could be sunny and seventy  in Denver while it is the storm of the century in the mountains.  (Though,...

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

August 25, 2010I have read many articles that help people decide if they are ready to become a home owner.  They tend to focus only on the financial obligation of home ownership.   Can you afford the monthly payments?  Do you have good credit and manage your credit?  Can you afford the maintenance of a home?  Especially now, these questions are on everyone’s mind when thinking about home...

Colorado Home Loans Have Gone On Sale, Part Two

August 19, 2010One of our exclusive buyer agent's also created another interesting chart showing a different perspective on what dropping interest rates mean for home owners’.  How much of a loan can you get for $2,000 per month?  In other words, for $2,000 a month, for 30 years, what can you buy? Your monthly mortgage payment is made up of principal and interest.  If the interest portion goes way down,...