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Tips from Boulder Buyer Agents

Our Boulder buyer agents say that the home inspection is one of the most important steps of your new home buying processes. Home inspections are a great tool for the home buyer because they are designed to protect the buyer from unexpected repairs and costs after the move-in. There are home inspection companies that focus solely on the pre sale inspection of a home. If any problems are found during this pre-sale inspection, the buyer can negotiate with the seller to either have the issues resolved before closing or renegotiate the sale price to incorporate any necessary repairs into the new offer. Home inspection companies are important to consult and are an invaluable resource in the home buying process.

Inside Out

Our Boulder buyer agents say that a home inspection can reveal a number a factors both inside and outside of the home. From the foundation of the house to the appliances, here are a few things you should expect your inspector to check:
• Foundation. You and your inspector can look for cracks in the foundation. Cracks or irregularities in the foundation could mean that the integrity of the construction could be compromised.

• Roof. Make sure you are not going to have a leaky roof. Make a visit to your potential new home during a rainy day. Take notice of any trees hanging over the home.  Sometimes growing tree branches can cause problems on the roof later on.

• Drainage. How the home is situated on the property is another thing to consider. To ensure proper drainage and prevent flooding, the land surrounding the home should slope away from the home and the foundation. Also, all gutters and spouts should be angled away from the home.
Other focuses in the inspection should include such things as windows and doors, decks and porches, walls, floors, ceilings, heating, cooling and plumbing systems, and appliances.
Our Boulder buyer agents say to check with the local title company to get a list of possible home inspection companies.