buyers agent in Denver

A Good Time to Buy a Home for First Time Homebuyers

October 4, 2021The Barry and Larry Vestera Real Estate Program Radio show 8:00-9:00 AM | October 02, 2021 On the show: Barry Miller (Host, and real estate agent with Remax Masters Millennium, Denver, CO)Kathleen Chiras (Broker/Owner of Skyfor and Association Manager of the National Buyers Agents Association)Chris Coil (Data analyst with Remax Masters Millennium) When is a good time to buy a...

Colorado Real Estate Experts Share Property Investment Guides for Homebuyers

September 18, 2021Investing in an arising hotspot market is the smartest move first-time home buyers and sellers could do. Hotspot areas are usually crowded with homebuyers who are trying to make their way into a challenging market. Although not every local market develops or even would be consistent in its growth as expected. For instance, the decrease in job demands, inconsistent population growth, and the...
Colorado Real estate market

Top Real Estate Investment Markets in Colorado

September 4, 2021The Barry and Larry Vestera Real Estate Program Radio show 8:00-9:00 AM | August 28, 2021 On the show: Barry Miller, Host, and real estate agent with Remax Masters Millenium, Denver, COTravis Wanzek (Loan officer with Remax Masters Millenium)Chris Coil (Data analyst with Remax Masters Millenium) Real estate investment marketplace data in Colorado: Data for sellers are used to...
finding a buyers agent in Colorado

Major Investment Tools for Consumers Discussed by Colorado Experts

July 10, 2021The Barry and Larry Vestera Real Estate Program Radio show 8:00-9:00 AM | July 10, 2021 Home Buyers Representation Home Seller and Home Buyer ADVOCATE Barry Miller, of the Barry and Larry Consumer Real Estate Radio show, are one of those persons who is a born and trained leader. He cares for every person’s welfare and he has always been known as busy and BIG-Hearted. From a young...
contract representation

Colorado Experts Explore The Benefits of Buyer Representation Agreements

January 15, 2021Some real estate consumers tend to underestimate the power of an agreement. Sharon, a buyer we previously talked with learned this the hard way. She hired a listing agent to help her sell a property before she could move forward with a new home purchase. Initially, their relationship was good until it wasn't. So she was looking to hire another agent to work with for the purchase of her new home....

Colorado Expert Lender Explains How Important Credit Report Is For Home Buyers

December 18, 2020A credit report is among the usual topics of discussion with prospective buyers especially when the home purchase is only possible via a mortgage loan. It is also among the most important factors that make a big difference even before the buyer decides to pursue such a big purchase. But not everyone understands the impact of not having a well-established credit history in their ability to apply...
finding a buyers agent in Colorado

How To Legally and Safely Do Home Showings Amidst Pandemic

December 17, 2020It's a challenge for everyone around the world these days to be going out and doing activities that used to be simple and even hassle-free. Pre-covid if you are interested to see a house on the market, you only need to hop in your car and drive to where the house is. Today, to do that, you'd have to check what the state and local government say about real estate home showings. The local...