The Barry and Larry Vestera Real Estate Program Radio show
8:00-9:00 AM | July 10, 2021

Home Buyers Representation
Home Seller and Home Buyer ADVOCATE Barry Miller, of the Barry and Larry Consumer Real Estate Radio show, are one of those persons who is a born and trained leader. He cares for every person’s welfare and he has always been known as busy and BIG-Hearted. From a young age, Barry has always been committed to combining his high-level financial knowledge with the needs of Consumers.
Barry Miller
Barry is known as The Father of Home Buyer Representation because he, far more than anyone else, brought into existence the business model of Home Buyers actually having one of the real estate agents in the home Transaction fully represent the Home Buyer. [Prior to 1982 in ALL 50 States, NO Home Buyer had representation as to the system since the 1800s. At that time, agents ONLY gave Sellers representation. Barry has helped change that one-sided business model. Barry knew in the 1980s and he knows today that a Real Estate Agent can NOT serve two Masters.
Larry Stanley
Larry Stanley, the co-host of the show, “Consumer Guy” Larry Stanley, has purchased 11 homes and sold 10 of them. Each of these Properties was the Stanley-Family primary residence where Larry’s Family resided. These were in 7 different States…the two most recent Homes in the Colorado Springs area.
Larry is NOT a real estate licensed Broker, has never been, and will never be a broker. Also, Larry is a successful finance officer of large companies and is also an experienced Consumer who admits having made most of the major mistakes, and many of the smaller mistakes, that we home sellers and home buyers continue to make.
He has learned from The Barry and Larry Shows that Information is King and that Information is what we Consumers need to be safe and to be properly protected.
The Barry and Larry Show discussed the major investment tools for consumers.
“Stocks and bonds are typically the highest risk get 10-12 % per year on the money invested”
– Barry Miller
Highest Yielding was to invest are:
- Stocks and bonds
- Residential Real Estate
Real estate investments can yield much more. Below are some aspects to it:
- Long term Investment (buy and hold)
- Rentals (for positive cash flow) or
- Fix and flip
A good property manager is one of the tools you have to have if your investment tool is residential real estate, rentals in particular. Especially if you’re buying and holding, getting a great property manager or property management company is absolutely critical to protect your investment.
And having proper buyer agent representation is key to it all.