Using a professional buyers agent to assist you with the search, purchase and actual real estate transaction is always a prudent decision. However, there are some circumstances in which a buyers agent is particularly useful.
When A Buyers Agent Can Be A Critical Asset
Many companies across the country are engaged in formal restructuring. This may include employee relocation. In that circumstance, a buyers agent who is a specialist in the target community would be critical. An experienced buyer agent can quickly assemble all the research necessary for a new inbound resident. In one such instance, Money Magazine featured a Sprint internal study that queried their employees and found that over 200 employees had company-related relocations. They used exclusive buyers agents to assist them in the moves. They also paid an average of 91% of the listing price on their homes. That’s a substantial saving.
Think about it. While the majority of real estate agents make every effort to carefully protect both buyer and seller interests. Only an exclusive buyers agent can ensure that you are getting the best possible price on the property. They have no ‘skin in the game’, so to speak – no seller to protect – only your personal interests and goals.
buyer’s agent
Frequently, exclusive buyers agents are being paid out of the commission at closing. That being the case, the buyer agent would not receive payment for their services if the home buyer does not find a home to purchase. This creates a huge incentive on the part of the buyers agent to provide the most complete, up-to-date information and services to the prospective buyer. It is a win-win, especially for an inbound resident with limited knowledge about a new area they are moving to.
Information and research are essential in approaching a move outside an existing city, state or sometimes, even out of the country. Any move can be stressful. A relocation move can be particularly stressful and a huge drain on time. The employee is expected to maintain a full schedule at work while preparing to move. During the move and has clear cut deadlines to meet. In many cases, on the other end of the move regarding ‘report to work’ dates.
Take the first step in your move. Hiring a professional buyers agent to assist you in getting the critical information you need is not only an excellent business decision. But it will also likely save you many thousands of dollars in the end.